Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the body cannot produce or properly use insulin, which leads to high blood sugar levels.

For individuals with diabetes, managing their condition is crucial for improving their overall health. By properly regulating blood sugar levels, the threat of various complications such as heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, kidney disease, and blindness can be greatly reduced. Furthermore, effective diabetes management leads to an enhancement in the quality of life and a decrease in hospitalization. To achieve success in managing diabetes, there are several key components that must be prioritized, including regularly monitoring blood sugar levels, adopting a healthy diet, engaging in physical activity, and taking medications as directed by healthcare providers. It is important to note that effective diabetes management requires a collaborative effort between the patient, their healthcare team, and pharmacists.

How Lifecare Rx Pharmacy in Oakville Can Play a Role in Diabetes Management

Pharmacists play a crucial role in helping people with diabetes manage their condition. Our pharmacist who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator can provide valuable information and support to individuals to help manage their diabetes.

  1. Medication Management
    Our pharmacists can assist patients with managing your medications, including insulin, oral antidiabetic drugs, and other prescription medications. They can also review your medication regimens and make recommendations for changes, if necessary.
  2. Monitoring Supplies
    “We support diabetes patients by monitoring blood glucose and providing supplies such as glucose meters (including CGM) and test strips. We work with healthcare providers to reach target blood glucose levels. Our pharmacy also offers point of care A1C tests. Let us help you manage your diabetes.”
  3. Health and Wellness Advice
    Our pharmacists can offer advice on lifestyle changes that can help individuals with diabetes improve their overall health and wellness. This can include recommendations for healthy eating habits, physical activity, and stress management techniques.
  4. Disease Education
    Our pharmacists don’t just dispense medicines, they go above and beyond to educate patients on diabetes. They ensure patients comprehend the significance of tracking their blood sugar and adhering to medication regimens. From the basics to the complexities, our pharmacists are dedicated to empowering patients with diabetes knowledge.

How we can HELP

When you become a client of ours, Lifecare Rx Pharmacy team can help manage your diabetes and live a quality healthy life by taking care of yourself each day. They will help you to create a self-care plan to manage your diabetes. Owing to the complicated conditions and the long duration of diabetes, patients may need to take long-term medication to maintain stable glycemic control.

Furthermore, diabetes complications and treatment-associated side effects can negatively affect the physical and mental health of patients and increase the risk of depression.

“Managing your diabetes is not a science, it is an art!”

Reference: Health information of National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

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Saturday – 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM